Sunday, October 31, 2010

So I'm a bit late....

Man I am so good at keeping up a blog...........

So, it has been a while since my last post, so lets start there.  Personality types.

I took this Myers Briggs Personality examination that was pretty cool apparently I am ISTP meaning Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving.  and got some good insight on really what kind of person I am.  This website really helped me see what type of personality I have and was a little creepy how accurately it described me.  In case you are interested you can learn a bit about my personality type here, and judge for yourself how well you think it describes me. 

     The report I got from the test also let me know what type of job opportunities that fit my personality type.  As I assumed, I am best fitted for fast-paced, constantly active jobs.  They said I would be a good farmer, electrician, or mechanic.  I'm sort of harping on the out-doorsie idea that they talked about, interesting how that fits what I want to do for my career.  I highly encourage you all to take the test, I found a free version of it online (it's not as good as the one that I had to pay money for, but it's still rather comprehensive and lets you know basically what type you are).  You can take the test here... take it I dare you

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for telling what your personality type was and the type of jobs suggests, but tell us in your own words what kind of person you are; rather than having to click on here and see what the test results said. How do you think your personality type can help you in your leadership role?
