Sunday, October 31, 2010

Making up for lost time V 2.0

      Over the past couple of weeks there seems to have been a pattern that has emerged.  Really, what I need to be doing is finding out how to best situate myself to serve others and lead based off of gospel principles.  We had a speaker come and talk on divine-centered leadership, or leading the way that Savior led.  When it comes to learning how to be divinely centered, you need to first know how to center yourself divinely.  The only way to become centered is through your own personal study and prayer and revelation.  To become centered and lead as Christ did you must try to have the same perception as Christ, and use his live as a road map of sorts.

     A divine centered leader has several attributes that seem to define them:
  • They are often in the right place at the right time (usually because they put themselves there)
  • Always see the potential in others
  • Always prayerful, in any context (praying for the needs of themselves and others, not the wants)
  • The divine centered leader is not competitive, but is still firm in their morals
  • Is full of love (especially towards those whom it may seem hard to love)
  • Values and necessitates obedience.
  • Provides for others what they cannot provide for themselves.
     I know that I can work on these attributes in all aspects of my life.  To be a divinely centered leader you do not have to be a church leader or only do so in churchy settings, but you must lead in the home, in work, the community, and especially be divinely centered towards those who don't seem to like you, or even those who you may not have the warmest feelings toward.  The easiest way to love people and to serve and lead them is to really get to know them.  That is why I focus on listening to people and their stories, I always search to know what it is that makes them tick and through my understanding of them know how to respond to their individual situations.

It's not What Would Jesus Do (WWJD) but more like What Would Jesus Have Me Do (WWJHMD).  I don't think that will look as good on a bumper sticker though...

So I'm a bit late....

Man I am so good at keeping up a blog...........

So, it has been a while since my last post, so lets start there.  Personality types.

I took this Myers Briggs Personality examination that was pretty cool apparently I am ISTP meaning Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving.  and got some good insight on really what kind of person I am.  This website really helped me see what type of personality I have and was a little creepy how accurately it described me.  In case you are interested you can learn a bit about my personality type here, and judge for yourself how well you think it describes me. 

     The report I got from the test also let me know what type of job opportunities that fit my personality type.  As I assumed, I am best fitted for fast-paced, constantly active jobs.  They said I would be a good farmer, electrician, or mechanic.  I'm sort of harping on the out-doorsie idea that they talked about, interesting how that fits what I want to do for my career.  I highly encourage you all to take the test, I found a free version of it online (it's not as good as the one that I had to pay money for, but it's still rather comprehensive and lets you know basically what type you are).  You can take the test here... take it I dare you