Sunday, July 10, 2011

1 July 2011

So it is now July the first, which means that it is CANADA DAY, as my Canadian friend informed me this morning, but far more importantly, it's my last Friday update from the MTC!  It's a little sad because we didn't have the opportunity to go to the Temple this morning, but that's all right because I'M GOING TO JAPAN in 3 days.
So instead of having our P-day today we have this weird 'in-field orientation' thing all day long.  I'm not entirely sure what they plan on teaching us in 9.5 hours that they haven't about the mission field in the past 3 months, but maybe there'll be something there.  Our first teacher today was introducing himself, and says "I'm from a little town in Florida, none of you have heard of it, called Rockledge"  I was like, 'Wait a minute, hold up there, that's where I grew up!' at least in my head anyway.  We talked a bit afterwards, apparently he went to GEMS as well and used to hang out with the Cassidy's.... Who would have thought I would of run into somebody from Rockledge here at the MTC....The name was Christensen or ~son or however you spell it, by the way.
[Editor's Note: The Christensens were some of our best friends when we lived in Rockledge, but Ben was only 4 when we moved, so he doesn't remember his friend Tyler.]
On my last week we've done some interesting things.... most all of the classes have been almost entirely mission stories, and this week has literally flown past.  It's going to be really sad to say goodbye to all the friends I've made here, those going to Japan and those that aren't, but I am super stoked to head to the field.  The last couple of days on the hall we've had some interesting experiences.  A couple of the Kohai (younger group) found that you can use your video on your camera to simulate a first-person-shooter, and we made a short video of that.  For 10 minutes preparation, shooting, and one take, it's a pretty awesome of these days I'll find out how to get it out.  Slightly more cryptically, just know that, for those of you headed to the MTC, there are many secret places here where things may or may not be hidden for one to find.  Beyond the 'narnia' holes that you are bound to find, take a while to see what depths of the MTC you might find......
I really don't know, what to say at this point.  The MTC has been great, the testimonies that I've heard from the General Authorities, the Apostles, and from all of those in my district that I get to hear every day, have been powerful and have strengthened my own.  The Gospel is an amazing thing, it changes people's lives and has been one of the greatest blessings I've had in my life.  Those of you that have been lucky enough to be a part of it, don't ever take it for granted, and those of you who have yet to experience it, give it a chance, because if there's a single thing I've learned in the past little bit, it's that being happy feels a whole lot better than not.  If you have any doubts or reservations, give it a try, that's the least you can do, and it won't hurt you at all.  Honestly, what is the worst that could happen?
For July 4th the MTC is having a special devotional on the 2nd, because apparently you can't do things on a Monday in Utah, and my Companion got selected to be the representitive holding the American Flag in the flag ceremony.  That and there will be bagpipers which I think made me a little more excited than being on the stands.  There's so many things that I wish I could tell you, but the time just isn't there....
I love all of you and wish you all the best.  Good luck in all that you do and be safe.  I'll be fleeing the country on July 4th, and won't be back for 2 years.  Good luck.

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