Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Here it begins

So first things first, let me tell you a bit about me.  My name is Ben and I go to Brigham Young University (BYU).  I'm looking at a major in recreational management and youth leadership with an emphasis on non-profit organizations; with this I hope to get into the professional Boy Scouting scene, possibly with a minor in film to maybe help out the organization that way. I was born in Florida and later moved to North Carolina where I pretty much spent my entire school career.  I am an Eagle Scout from troop 231 and I love ultimate (captain/creator of my high school team), bowling (ever since I was 10) and archery (taught it for the last 3 years).  As far as entertainment and other such information, I love listening to classic rock, mainly Styx and most others from that era, and I enjoy pretty much any movie or TV show that I watch.

So, why a blog, well, in all actuality, I started this blog because I am being graded on it for a school assignment (some leadership seminar thing) and I figure, heck, why not have some fun with it. 

As my title says, my name is Ben and I am indeed on a mission; but what mission am I exactly on?  Well, that's what I guess this whole blog is about, to really find out what my mission is, and hopefully how that mission can help others outside of myself.  Right now I feel like my mission is about helping others, and mainly getting situated in the rigors of college life.  I've always been "others" oriented and I don't really see that changing now that I'm 2000 miles from where I was raised. 

My assignment so far is to declare what sort of leadership role I will assume and how I can accomplish that role.  Honestly, I don't know what I am going to be, maybe on the hall committee, maybe doing service through Y Serve, maybe just in whatever calling my Bishop and the lord sees fit to but me in; but whatever the outlet, I can assure you this, I will always, always live my my standards which are based off of my church teachings and the scout law.