Pretty much everybody has someone that they look to for inspiration, for guidance, or to model their life after; but what is it about those people that inspire such admiration? Conversely, what is it about those that we despise, or those notorious leaders that we all love to loathe? Really, when it comes down to it, it's as Brother Ward noted, it's all about the motive, the vision, what they're challenging, their example, and their service (or lack there of).
One of my personal heroes, or someone that I look to for inspiration, would have to be President Thomas S. Monson. For many years now he's been my personal favorite apostle; as I look back on what he's taught and what I've heard from him, I believe that all of his stories as a young Bishop are really the reasons I've always looked up to and respected him. President Monson's motives are never selfish, he always has the happiness of others on his mind, and when they are happy he is happy, and that makes me happy. As for his vision, MAN he has vision, it would be very difficult to be a prophet if you didn't have that vision of what the world could and should be. Oddly enough, that vision of a better world is exactly what he is fighting for, it's what he is challenging the natural world for. President Monson's challenge is for a better, kinder, more selfless world, quite different from the modern trend of glorifying mediocrity. His example is amazing as well, the people he cared for regularly, the towns he's visited, the service he's rendered, how can you not help but be amazed at his example. The last thing that really strikes me, as shown in his example, is it complete willingness to serve and go and do whatever work needs to be done. Not only does he do the work, but he does so compassionately, because he is entirely devoted to the people he serves.
Now what about my own motives, vision, challenge, example, and service, what are those?
I think I'm with President Monson on this one, when I see people happy, it definitely makes me happy.
My vision would have to be for a strong group of friends in the Gospel, and friends that aren't afraid to do what is right, even if it means seeming peculiar.
I feel like my greatest challenge would be negative peer pressure, especially from those of the same faith, it is imperative that my friends know that there is no problem being a Peter Priesthood or a Molly Mormon.
I hope that my example will be that of one who genuinely cares for those he serves, and lives what he preaches, someone who is not afraid to be a peculiar person (if you don't think I'm peculiar, you probably don't know me that well), and ultimately someone that they could trust and become a better person with.
The service that I will render will be that of friendship, and creating an environment when we're together that they can feel comfortable in and
that will help each of us grow and progress.
I hiked Mt. Nebo on Saturday, I left at 4:00 in the morning (at least that was the plan, it was really like 4:40) and got to the trail head around 5:45. As we ascended so did the sun, and we were lucky enough to catch the sun as it breached the mountains on our first ridge. That view was gorgeous, especially after such a clear night, when even the Milky Way was in full array. By 9:30 I was the tallest thing for 100 square miles, it was a great feeling. We made the whole hike in about 6 hours, what I feel was very good time.
I also watched this great international movie called "Babbette's Feast". It's hard to describe what made this movie so good, it seems as if the whole movie was saying, 'there's something special here, you just have to find it.' Following that I watched another international movie called "Ping Pong" and it reminded me why I love Japanese melodrama so much, that movie was hilarious.
I got my calling in my ward today as well; I am now a Sunday School leader, essentially I will work with the other leader to assign who has the lesson each week, and I will be there in case a lesson falls through. I'm excited for the calling and I hope that I will be able to serve the group in the spirit that I may edify their souls.